
They Are Mine !



Hamster Ecah :)

Name : Chacha Makanan Kegemaran : Kacang :) P/S : Bg die mkn please . nnti die mati :'( . Thanks :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pertama kali edit blog org :)

Hey , kembali semula bersama Aisyah Emir . HAHAHA . Ehh , nak share cerite nie , pertama kali Ecah kene edit blogg org . Rase  gile . Las sekali bukan Ecah yg edit Kak Iqah yg comeyy tu Edit . HAHA . Nah link Kak Iqah and orgyg suh Ecah edit tu http://  org yg suh Ecah edit :) Nie Kak Iqah yg comell punye . Follow dieorg and Ecah tau :)

Story about ecah , Hope you like it . Please comment . Thank you =)

0 Ecah Emir :):

Edit By : Puteri Auni